Toshiba to invest $636m in power semiconductor production –

Toshiba has had an eventful 12 months. Last year, it delisted from the Tokyo stock exchange after 74 years and offloaded some parts of its business such as the unit making flash memory chips for smartphones.
Its new private owners then axed 5,000 jobs in a bid to streamline the business and re-orient Toshiba around the production of power chips for the electric vehicle (EV) market .
Now, it has confirmed it will invest about 100 billion yen (USD 636 million) to expand its power semiconductor production over three years through March 2027. This will take place at its factories in Ishikawa and Hyogo prefectures and at its Thailand facilities.
The expansion is part of its 400 billion yen capital investment plan, with about 20 billion yen assigned to improving plants in Kanagawa Prefecture and India.


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