Semiconductor and other high-tech industry support laws are on the verge of being scrapped in the en.. – MK – 매일경제

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Semiconductor and other high-tech industry support laws are on the verge of being scrapped in the end. The 21st National Assembly, which will end on the 29th, is focused on political strife until the last minute. While major countries’ wars to attract high-tech industries have intensified, Korea has been pushed back by urgent economic legislation in the political dispute between the ruling and opposition parties. Right now, there is a gap in legislation to support the ultra-gap of high-tech industries.
According to the National Assembly on the 27th, the extension of the K-Chips Act (Amendment to the Restriction of Special Taxation Act), a representative semiconductor support bill, has been tied to the Strategy and Finance Committee since Kim Hak-yong, a member of the People’s Power Party, proposed it in January. The K-Chips Act is a system that returns 15-25% of taxes when investing in national strategic technologies such as semiconductors, secondary batteries, and electric vehicles. It pushed for legislation to extend it by six years until 2030, but it did not even cross the threshold of the competent standing committee.
Even if the 22nd National Assembly reexamines related laws, there are concerns that the legislation could go beyond this year considering the schedule of the parliamentary audit. The U.S. and Japan, as well as China, are aggressively providing subsidies, and Korea is more likely to lose even its tax benefits. Apart from the already proposed legislation, the government plans to push for a three-year extension of the K-Chips Act through the revision of the tax law this year.
A special law to expand the national key power grid to supply power to the world’s largest Yongin semiconductor cluster has also been scrapped. The Special Act on Electricity Networks has a committee to expand electricity grids in the Prime Minister’s Office, and aims to speed up the selection of government-led locations to speed up the construction of electricity grids by 26 months. However, no progress has been made since the proposal was proposed in October last year. The Framework Act on AI (Artificial Intelligence Industry Promotion Act), which deals with the basis for fostering and supporting the artificial intelligence (AI) industry, is also expected to be scrapped after the National Assembly’s proposal at the end of 2022.
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