NIST Announces New Board Members to Launch Semiconductor Center – MeriTalk

The National Semiconductor Technology Center (NSTC) has selected its new board of trustees from industry and academia – including Intel, Stanford, and IBM – that will focus on overseeing the research and advancement of semiconductor research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).
The center was established following the passage of the CHIPS and Science Act to bolster the domestic creation of semiconductor chips in the United States. The center also serves as the primary research and development arm of the Department of Commerce’s CHIPS for America program.
“The members of the board of trustees will help to establish an NSTC that is visionary, agile and responsive to the needs of the semiconductor ecosystem,” said Laurie E. Locascio, NIST director.
Newly selected board members are “visionary” technology leaders including:
The NSTC is slated to launch within the coming weeks and will focus on becoming a “hub of collaboration for members of the entire semiconductor manufacturing and supplier ecosystem and will accelerate the pace of innovation and help lower the cost and time required to bring new technologies to market,” stated NIST.
“The NSTC will provide our domestic manufacturing industry with technological advances that will keep American-made products competitive, and it will help train the next-generation workforce to make these products in the world’s most advanced facilities,” said Locascio.


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