Learn about cloud computing and get Google swags through #CloudSeekho 2.0 – TechJuice

Google has launched season 2 of Cloud Seekho which encourages students and professionals alike to learn about cloud computing and the Google Cloud Platform and use it in their own projects. The first season of Cloud Seekho trained 350 students from all over Pakistan and the graduation event was also attended by Pakistan Telecommunication Authority’s Chairman Maj Gen (R) Amir Azeem Bajwa.
Cloud Seekho covers a comprehensive selection of Machine Learning topics and has curated labs based on the Google Cloud Platform. You will learn about the basics of image processing and language processing using Google Cloud while also exploring Machine Learning models with Explainable AI. The advanced topics also include ML Infrastructure and Data Engineering.
Upon completing quests, you will be eligible for:
You will also get free access to Qwiklabs and learn Google Cloud Platform in addition to the above swags. The season 2 of Cloud Seekho will run from 23rd Sep till 10th Oct 2020 and you have to complete the quests within this time to qualify for the swags.
Sign up and starting learning here: https://events.withgoogle.com/cloudseekho/
Below was the virtual graduation ceremony of Season 1 of Cloud Seekho:



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