Japan’s semiconductor revival – Electronics Weekly

Posted on 9th July 2024 | Modified on 8th July 2024

Japan’s major chip makers plan a collective capex of $31 billion in the next five years to increase production of PMICs, logic and sensors, reports the Nikkei, with $9.4 billion of it coming from the Government,
The Nikkei has analysed the investment plans of : Sony, Mitsubishi, Rohm, Toshiba, Kioxia, Renesas, Rapidus and Fuji Electric.
Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry has set a goal of increasing sales of domestically produced semiconductors to over $93.3 billion by 2030, triple the amount in 2020.
Sony is investing approximately $10 billion  from  2021 to fiscal 2026 to increase production of image sensors.
The AI data centre and EV markets are prompting Toshiba and Rohm to invest €2.4 billion in capex with Toshiba focussing on PMICs and Rohm on SiC.
Mitsubishi intends to spend $620 million increasing SiC capacity by 5x between 2022-26.
Rapidus aims to produce 2nm logic chips starting with  a prototype line in April 2025 and mass production  in 2027. The government is putting up $5.7 billion of the total $12.4 billion cost
The market share of semiconductor manufacturers headquartered in Japan in 2023 was 8.68%, says analyst Omdia – a far cry from the 50% they enjoyed in their 1980s heyday.
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