IQE thành lập Ủy ban Môi trường, Xã hội và Quản trị

28 January 2022

Epiwafer and substrate maker IQE plc of Cardiff, UK has announced the formation of an Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) board committee, with the purpose of developing and monitoring the execution of the firm’s ESG strategy as well as overseeing the communication of ESG activities with all stakeholders.

Chairman Phil Smith will chair the committee and will be joined by non-executive directors Drew Nelson and Sir Derek Jones. Jones will also be IQE’s nominated workforce engagement representative and will report to the committee on workforce engagement matters.

“This is an important step which reflects our commitment to continuous improvement and implementing best practice across the business,” says CEO Americo Lemos (who joined IQE in January). “While we recognise that we are at the beginning of our sustainability journey, our consideration of ESG issues is materially important to our future strategy and will be critical to ensuring a sustainable and viable business in the long term.”

See related items:

IQE appoints Americo Lemos as CEO

Tags: IQE



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