Efforts made to help firms deeply join global semiconductor supply chain – BÁO SÀI GÒN GIẢI PHÓNG

The Ministry of Planning and Investment (MPI) has taken various solutions to support domestic firms to join the global semiconductor supply chain more intensively, heard a meeting held on July 15 by the ministry.
Bui Anh Tuan, Chief of the Office of the MPI, told the meeting that the ministry has also given consultancy to competent agencies to perfect relevant policies and laws to facilitate investment, while enhancing international cooperation in this field.
It has coordinated with other ministries and agencies in drafting a project on human resources development in service of the semiconductor industry by 2030 with a vision towards 2050, which was submitted to the Prime Minister for approval, and proposing the establishment of a national steering committee for the development of the sector.
Speaking at the event, Minister of Planning and Investment Nguyen Chi Dung pointed out difficulties facing other sectors in Vietnam such as retail, and housing and real estate, along with major tasks set for the remaining months of this year.
He stressed the need to effectively put in place newly-issued policies and regulations, and roll out breakthrough solutions to spur growth, asking agencies to join hands in building socio-economic plans, orientations, tasks and solutions for 2025.
The minister also urged preparations for the all-level Party congresses, towards the 14th National Party Congress, as well as reforms, breakthroughs and innovation in development during the 2026-2030 period.
©Copyright 2022 SGGP English edition
License number: 311/GP-BTTTT, Ministry of Information and Communications, July 8, 2015
Deputy Editor-in-Chief in charge of SGGP: Nguyen Khac Van
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©Copyright 2022 SGGP English edition
License number: 311/GP-BTTTT, Ministry of Information and Communications, July 8, 2015
Deputy Editor-in-Chief in charge of SGGP: Nguyen Khac Van
Deputy Editors-in-Chief : Nguyen Thanh Loi, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Pham Van Truong, Bui Thi Hong Suong
Managing Editor : Nguyen Chien Dung
Office: 432-434 Nguyen Thi Minh Khai street, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City
Tel : (028) 39294068 – (028) 39294091
Fax : (028) 3.9294.083
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