Career Center Offers Variety of Resources to Job Seekers | SJSU NewsCenter – SJSU Today

by | Sep 27, 2011 | Campus Life
The Career Center will host its Fall Job & Internship Fair at the Event Center on Oct. 4. Photo courtesy of Career Center.
By Sarah Kyo, Public Affairs Assistant
No matter what stage Spartans are at in their job search, SJSU’s Career Center has them covered.
“We’re dedicated to trying to help students connect with employers at any level,” said Anita Manuel, career consultant / program manager at the Career Center, “so that includes internships, part-time jobs and then also their first professional career position if they’re going to be graduating and looking for that first job.”
Located up a set of stairs at Administration 154, with a wheelchair accessible entrance at Administration 255, the Career Center offers a variety of job resources and events.
Here just a few of many upcoming events:
Job & Internship Fair
It will be a full house at the Fall Job and Internship Fair on Oct. 4, noon-5 p.m., in the Event Center: 132 employers will be represented, which is 69 percent more than last fall’s fair, said Susan Rockwell, the Career Center’s assistant director of employer services.
Manuel said this turnout is great, “especially given the economy, how it’s been a tough job market. But with the fact that we have so many employers that want to come to the job fair means they’re definitely hiring.”
Companies include Applied Materials, Cisco Systems, Kohl’s Department Stores, Lockheed Martin and SanDisk Corporation. The job and internship fair is open to current SJSU students of all majors, as well as SJSU alumni who are registered with the Career Center and have a membership card.
Rockwell said even with an increase in employers at the fair, it’s important for attendees to remember they’re in a competitive job environment and to consider how they present themselves and their skills set.
Manuel agreed, saying, “Some of the most important things for students to remember when it comes to job fairs is the more prepared they are, the more likely they are to get a request for an interview or to meet with that employer for a job.”
To help students prepare, the Career Center offers Job Fair Success Workshops in Mod A, a portable building near Hoover Hall and the Aquatic Center: Sept. 27, 3:30-4:45 p.m., or  Sept. 28, 2-3:15 p.m. An online version of the workshop can be accessed after students create an account with the Career Center.
There’s also a Resume Blast Event on Sept. 29, 1-4 p.m., in the Loma Prieta Room of the Student Union, where students can have a hard copy of their resume reviewed and practice what they’ll say to employers at the fair.
Whether it’s choosing a major or preparing for an interview, the Career Center runs workshops that cover an array of job-related needs. All workshops take place in Mod A.
One workshop that covers a recent trend is Job Search 2.0: Managing Your Online Presence. It’s next offered on Sept. 28, 12-1:15 p.m. Besides going over how to utilize social media for job-seeking purposes, the workshop also warns students about being careful.
“A lot of students are surprised that employers actually do check or Google them when they’re candidates,” Manuel said, “and if things come up from their Facebook pages, or if they don’t have privacy settings on those pages, photos and all sorts of comments and things that they think might be private are actually very accessible.”
Other newer workshops include Networking 101 and Finding a Job in Today’s Economy. Read the Career Center Program & Event Calendar for a listing of workshops and other events.
Personal Interaction
“One of the biggest misconceptions is that a lot of students think they have to be graduating or in their senior year to actually use our services, but in reality, they can use our services starting in their freshman year,” Manuel said.
After creating an online account with the Career Center, students will have access to the SpartaJobs database. Their online account also allows them to schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor in person. The Career Center offers walk-in appointments on Mondays and Thursdays, 10:30 a.m.-12 p.m., and Tuesdays and Thursdays, 1:30-3 p.m.
“I encourage people to come to the Career Center and work on a job search plan tailored to them,” Rockwell said.
You can find out more information about the Career Center at its website, blog, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube channel.

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