Blue Laser Fusion huy động được 25 triệu đô la trong vòng gọi vốn hạt giống

3 August 2023

Blue Laser Fusion Inc (BLF) of Palo Alto, CA, USA has raised a total of $25m in its first series seed round funding. Major investors are the two Japan-based venture capital firms JAFCO Group Co Ltd and SPARX Group Co Ltd (Mirai Creation Fund III).

Blue Laser Fusion was founded in 2022 by University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) professor Shuji Nakamura Ph.D. (the 2014 Nobel Laureate in Physics), Waseda University Ventures (WUV) general partner Hiroaki Ohta Ph.D., and Silicon Valley-based attorney Richard Ogawa.

With over 200 claims in patent applications, BLF has developed a proprietary novel laser fusion technology that is reckoned to be capable of achieving the world’s first nuclear fusion for energy generation for power grids. The firm’s laser technology enables a MegaJoule pulse energy laser with a fast repetition rate to achieve commercial fusion. BLF plans to complete it’s first prototype in 2025, and then demonstrate a commercial-ready fusion reactor by 2030.

The new funding will be used to expand R&D operation in the Santa Barbara area as well as in Tokyo to develop its prototype commercial reactor.

For sustainable and environmentally friendly operation, Blue Laser Fusion plans to adopt a safe hydrogen–boron fuel called HB11, which is not radioactive, is free from harmful neutrons, yields safe helium elements, and is a naturally abundant mineral.

“HB11 is the perfect fuel for fusion and has no harmful neutron or tritium elements, as conventional fusion technologies,” notes chief technology officer Hiroaki Ohta. “We are pleased to be working with our group of world’s top scientists and experts to not only ignite a fusion reaction with HB11 but maintain the reaction to create clean renewable energy,” he adds.

“Fusion is the ultimate energy source, and its successful commercialization will be a huge leap towards achieving clean and abundant energy for everyone,” comments Keisuke Miyoshi, president & CEO and partner of JAFCO. “Advances in laser inertial technology, including Blue Laser Fusion’s ability to execute the next generation of laser technology, provide the basis for a very exciting and promising path to the ultimate sustainable energy source.”

Tags: Shuji Nakamura Blue laser diode



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