Average selling price for semiconductors rose 3.6% in 3Q – evertiq.com

New data acquired by Digitimes from World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) found the average selling price (ASD) of USD 0.568 per unit was 3.6% up on Q2 and 11.6% up on the same period last year.
The WSTS metrics also revealed that global semiconductor market sales value in 3Q23 increased by 6.3% from Q2 but declined by 4.5% from 3Q22 to USD 134.7 billion. Meanwhile 237.1 billion units were sold during the 3Q23, up 2.6% quarter on quarter but down 14.4% year-on-year.
China remained the biggest regional market with USD 39.2 billion in sales for 3Q23. That’s up 5.1% on the quarter and 9.4% up year on year. The US market increased by 13.9% quarterly to reach USD 35.4 billion, while Europe registered 2.4% quarterly growth on 3Q23 sales  of USD 14.5 billion.


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