Sivers ký thỏa thuận phát triển sản phẩm cho mảng laser AI thế hệ tiếp theo

15 March 2024

Sivers Semiconductors AB of Kista, Sweden (which supplies ICs and modules for communications and sensor solutions) says that its subsidiary Sivers Photonics of Glasgow, Scotland, UK has signed a product development agreement with an undisclosed company, helping to develop photonic laser arrays enabling next-generation artificial intelligence (AI).

Beginning with an initial contract worth $1.3m for delivering prototypes in 2024, the agreement is expected to grow rapidly during 2025, before moving to volume manufacturing. Upon entering full production, the annual chip volume is expected by the customer to exceed several million units per annum beyond 2026.

Sivers, which supplies customized lasers for high-speed optical solutions, reckons that it is well placed to capitalize on the rising demand for next-generation laser chips that enable solutions to rapidly growing AI computing demands. The firm’s optical communication technology already powers applications requiring high-bandwidth and low-latency data transmission. The new collaboration will further expand Sivers’ footprint into the rapidly evolving AI hardware sector.

”As optical solutions become essential for advanced AI workloads, our technology will help power the light-speed data transmission this new computing paradigm demands,” says Sivers Semiconductors’ group CEO Anders Storm. “This is a fantastic opportunity short term and is a mega opportunity for exceptional continued growth from 2026.”

See related items:

Sivers Photonics receives $860,000 follow-up orders from US Fortune 100 customer

Tags: Sivers



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