Key semiconductor manpower training course opens in Vietnam – Nation Thailand

The central city-based Vietnam-Korea University (VKU) has kicked off the human resources training programme in the semiconductor industry, promising that the first manpower course will train from 600 to 1,000 engineers by 2028.
It’s also the first manpower training project aiming to provide high-quality engineers to host semiconductor industry investment waves from the US, Japan, Korea, Taiwan and Europe in the central city.
VKU opened the upskill training course for the first batch of 25 project-based lecturers and students as a key force for future training programmes on semiconductors.  
Rector of VKU, Huynh Cong Phap said the training course is the first step in the strategic human resources plan for serving computer science, information technology, electronic manufacturing and semiconductors in Da Nang and nationwide.
He said VKU also began training the first 500 semiconductor and chip design engineers in central Vietnam in 2024-27.
VKU, under the University of Da Nang, in co-operation with Synopsys company also launched the semiconductor and smart technology hub, providing space for training and research of semiconductor and chip design.
Da Nang also debuted the first Da Nang Semiconductor Research, Design Training  & AI Centre (DSAC) as part of the city’s semiconductor chip manufacture and design project to build the city into an international centre of research, training and design of semiconductors and AI.
In a working session with the US ambassador to Vietnam, Marc E. Knapper, the city called the US to support Da Nang in building a centre of Assembling, Testing, Packaging (ATP) and promoting semiconductor industry development.Key semiconductor manpower training course opens in Vietnam The city has offered favourable conditions for investment from Intel, Marvell Technology Group, Qualcomm and Synopsys.
South Korean electronics giant Samsung established the Samsung Innovation Campus (SIC) at Duy Tan University and is supporting two businesses – Trung Nam Group and Tan Long Paper and Package Company – in building the first smart factories in Da Nang.
Intel and Qualcomm inked human resources education deals with Da Nang’s Duy Tan University for semiconductor industries.
Partners from Vietnam and Korea have established cooperation and development plans for AI technology in medical, healthcare, smart cities and automation in Da Nang.
FPT Software Group has revved up training 17,500 students to serve IT industries and is hosting the move toward semiconductor production.
Taiwan’s Foxlink International company began building an electronics factory with an investment of US$135 million at Da Nang’s Hi-tech Park.
The University of Da Nang also inked the Letter of Intent (LoI) to cooperate with Portland State University in training semiconductor human resources.
The city has finalised the completion of Software Park No. 2 in creating a working space for investors in IT and the semiconductor industry. 
Viet Nam News
Asia News Network


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